President Donald Trump began his Friday with a round of praise and condemnations on Twitter, ensuring his almost 37 million followers know his take on what is good and "bad!".
"Fake news" and Democratic senators seemed to catch the worst of the president's ire, as did Republican Senator Bob Corker, whom Trump described as "strange" after Corker questioned his competence after his Charlottesville, Virginia, response.
Among those praised were his own chief of staff, General John Kelly, his administration ("Few, if any, [...] have done more")—and Australian author and conservative activist Nick Adams.
"Nick Adams, 'Retaking America' 'Best things of this presidency aren't reported about. Convinced this will be perhaps best presidency ever,'" Trump wrote, referring to the Australian-born writer and his work.
Adams, an Australian who aspires to American citizenship, has argued that speaking English should be a requirement for immigrants to the U.S.
His political career began as an activist for the Young Liberal party in Sydney, where he was eventually elected as a councillor for Ashfield, in west Sydney, the Guardianreported. He became Australia's youngest deputy mayor in 2005, when he offered to tackle the spread of avian flu by recommending the extermination of pigeons in the council. The party suspended him in 2009 after his verbal tirade against a journalist was broadcast on TV.
"Thank you, Mr. President!" Adams tweeted back. "You continue to make me an honest man every day! We are CRUSHING PC and making America Great Again!"
Retaking America is the opus for Adams, who argues against political correctness. His stated starting position is that "anyone who loves life will hate political correctness and its expectations." In his book, he declares that Europe is "in its death throes, completely infected by the political correctness disease," and "only America has the cure." It is Adams's second book to earn Trump's praise.
His other, autobiographical work, Green Card Warrior, was declared a "must read" by Trump earlier this year, on account of its praise for stricter immigration control. It is Adams's own retelling of how, despite having the "world was at his feet" thanks to his "charisma, energy, a promising TV career, a new organization and an approved Green Card petition," he "almost lost it all" in his pursuit of U.S. residency. The author describes how an American doctor on an internship in Australia saved his life as a child, and how he came to realize he was "was an American trapped in an Australian body."
The twist comes from complications in acquiring his U.S. permanent-resident status, which, Adams assures, are due to the "political persecution from one individual" and Barack Obama's administration in general.
"This eye-opening account shows how the Obama Administration has broken new ground in its intimidation and harassment of political opponents, now using its State Department to screen and select immigrants based on their politics," the summary states. It begins with enthusiastic blurbs from Breitbart, NRA News and the National Review.
Adams wears the president's recommendation as a badge of honor and describes himself as "Australian by birth; Texan by appointment; American by choice" on Twitter.
The hot recommendations for the book were not shared by The Washington Post, whose review demoted it from "a must read" to "a must laugh, a must groan, and, if 'Green Card Warrior' is indeed where Trump is finding ideas for immigration reform, it is also a you must be kidding me."
The Guardian published a sardonic review of the book, writing up a "digested read," affecting the style of Trump's tweets. The digest describes the crux of the story, where Adams claims to have encountered the purported agent of Obama's sabotage: "GOOD NEWS. I have been granted a visa subjectly to an interview with the U.S. Consul in Sydney. CALAMITY!! The Consul says I am just a gobshite and have no EXTRAORDINARYLY ABILITYTY so he won't give me a visaly after all. I tell him he's just made a bigly mistake and do some research on him. Turns out he's livining with a MANLY! Now it begins to make sense."
Uncommon Knowledge
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