Shannon Beador on QVC: All you need to know about RHOC stars Real for Real Cuisine

Shannon Beador has been hyping Real for Real Cuisine since the beginning of The Real Housewives of Orange County this season. With her new business venture taking off, there is a lot happening in her life between filming the show and following through with the steps to keep her partnership with QVC.

Shannon Beador has been hyping Real for Real Cuisine since the beginning of The Real Housewives of Orange County this season. With her new business venture taking off, there is a lot happening in her life between filming the show and following through with the steps to keep her partnership with QVC.

The idea for the meals came as Shannon Beador struggled with her own personal weight gain. As her marriage to David Beador fell apart, she found herself needing to do more and decided to open a business of her own as a way to focus her energy somewhere.

After talks with QVC, things moved fast for Shannon Beador. Within six months she had to come up with the recipes and have them taste-tested by the panel of critics for the network before they could move forward. Beador shocked them all and passed the tests with flying colors.

All of the meals from Real for Real Cuisine by Shannon Beador are available for purchase on the QVC website. Her initial launch was three meals but since then, things have expanded a bit more. Each meal has a shelf life of 12 months, giving the consumer some time to decide when to use the product.

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Some of the reviews of Real for Real Cuisine aren’t that great. There are a lot of complaints that the cost of the meals isn’t justified. Of course, Shannon Beador is selling through QVC so there is going to be a mark up because they are exclusive products.

Aside from the seafood dishes which were part of the initial launch, there are veggie burgers and pork tenderloin available. Overall, the reviews appear to be more positive than negative, which means Shannon Beador definitely has been doing something right in this QVC business.

To keep up with what is happening in Shannon Beador’s life and what is going on with Real for Real Cuisine, make sure you tune into The Real Housewives of Orange County and follow her on social media.

The Real Housewives of Orange County airs Monday nights at 9/8c on Bravo.

