How old is Rashad McCants? When is Rashad McCants's birthday? Where is Rashad McCants born? Where did Rashad McCants grow up from? What's Rashad McCants's age?
Rashad McCants Born: 1984 (age 39years), Asheville, NC
How about Rashad McCants's nba_draft?
Rashad McCants Nba_draft: 2005: 1st round, 14th overall pick
How about Rashad McCants's list_weight?
Rashad McCants List_weight: 207 lb (94 kg)
How about Rashad McCants's parents?
Rashad McCants Parents: James McCants, Brenda McCants
How about Rashad McCants's sibling?
Rashad McCants Sibling: Rashanda McCants
How tall is Rashad McCants in meters or centimeters?
Rashad McCants Height: 6 4
How about Rashad McCants's school?
Rashad McCants School: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Why did Rashad McCants retire?
Rashad McCants didn't win any championships in his career.
How long did Rashad Mccant's play in the NBA?
Rashad McCants didn't win any championships in his career.
Does Rashad McCants have a NBA ring?
Rashad McCants didn't win any championships in his career.