How old is Philip Wheeler? When is Philip Wheeler's birthday? Where is Philip Wheeler born? Where did Philip Wheeler grow up from? What's Philip Wheeler's age?
Philip Wheeler Born: December 12, 1984 (age 38years), Columbus, Georgia, United States
How about Philip Wheeler's parents?
Philip Wheeler Parents: Phyllis Dent
Does Philip Wheeler have any children? What are the names of Philip Wheeler's children? What are the ages of Philip Wheeler's children?
Philip Wheeler Children: Philip Wheeler II
How tall is Philip Wheeler in meters or centimeters?
Philip Wheeler Height: 1.88m
How about Philip Wheeler's number?
Philip Wheeler Number: 52 (Las Vegas Raiders / Linebacker), MORE
How old is Philip Wheeler BSN?
The 20-year old is currently averaging 17 points per game in the Puerto Rican BSN league.
Who does Phillip Wheeler play for?
Philip Wheeler, Arizona Cardinals, LB - News, Stats, Bio -
How tall is Phillip Wheeler basketball player?
Phillip Wheeler is a basketball player born on April 23, 2002. His height is six foot eight (2m04 / 6-8). He is a power forward who most recently played for Iowa Wolves in G-League.