Fame | Philip Wheeler net worth and salary income estimation Jan, 2024

How old is Philip Wheeler? When is Philip Wheeler's birthday? Where is Philip Wheeler born? Where did Philip Wheeler grow up from? What's Philip Wheeler's age? Philip Wheeler Born: December 12, 1984 (age 38years), Columbus, Georgia, United States

How old is Philip Wheeler? When is Philip Wheeler's birthday? Where is Philip Wheeler born? Where did Philip Wheeler grow up from? What's Philip Wheeler's age?

Philip Wheeler Born: December 12, 1984 (age 38years), Columbus, Georgia, United States

How about Philip Wheeler's parents?

Philip Wheeler Parents: Phyllis Dent

Does Philip Wheeler have any children? What are the names of Philip Wheeler's children? What are the ages of Philip Wheeler's children?

Philip Wheeler Children: Philip Wheeler II

How tall is Philip Wheeler in meters or centimeters?

Philip Wheeler Height: 1.88m

How about Philip Wheeler's number?

Philip Wheeler Number: 52 (Las Vegas Raiders / Linebacker), MORE

How old is Philip Wheeler BSN?

The 20-year old is currently averaging 17 points per game in the Puerto Rican BSN league.

Who does Phillip Wheeler play for?

Philip Wheeler, Arizona Cardinals, LB - News, Stats, Bio - CBSSports.com.

How tall is Phillip Wheeler basketball player?

Phillip Wheeler is a basketball player born on April 23, 2002. His height is six foot eight (2m04 / 6-8). He is a power forward who most recently played for Iowa Wolves in G-League.

