A SURVEY has revealed that people who decide to cheat on their partners are keen to indulge in a lot of oral sex.
The poll of 9,107 members of Victoria Milan – a website dedicated to facilitating extra-martial affairs – revealed a bit of mouth action is high on their to-do lists.
The study quizzed the site's active male and female members about their sexual preferences.
According to the results, those who aren’t keen on oral sex will struggle to find a (second) partner as 65 per cent of women and 68 per cent of men wouldn’t consider a relationship without it.
The study also revealed that 72 per cent of women and 85 per cent of men believe oral sex is very important in any relationship (monogamous or otherwise) and it shouldn’t diminish over time.
Both genders revealed that they prefer receiving oral sex than giving it, although more than 70 per cent of those polled claimed to enjoy offering their partner oral pleasure.
The study also revealed that in the Netherlands 80 percent of men and 81 per cent of women say they enjoy giving oral sex - making them the act's biggest fans.
In the UK the survey found that 81 per cent of women and 79 per cent of men enjoyed performing the sexual act.
While only 72 per cent of Australian women and 75 per cent of Aussie men are happy to be a “giver”.
Meanwhile, a very different study suggested oral sex is to blame for a dangerous strain of “super gonorrhoea” that’s spreading fast – and could be incurable.
And it’s more doom and gloom for oral lovers as dating apps like Tinder were accused “fuelling a rise in a cancer-causing STI – and it’s all linked to oral sex”.
But if that hasn’t put you off here are six oral sex tips you may like to know about… from perfecting your technique to why your diet is important.