How old is Larnelle Harris? When is Larnelle Harris's birthday? Where is Larnelle Harris born? Where did Larnelle Harris grow up from? What's Larnelle Harris's age?
Larnelle Harris Born: 1947 (age 76years), Danville, KY
How about Larnelle Harris's albums?
Larnelle Harris Albums: From A Servant's Heart, I've Just Seen Jesus, MORE
How about Larnelle Harris's instrument?
Larnelle Harris Instrument: Vocals, saxophone, drums
Is Larnelle Harris married? When did Larnelle Harris get married? Who's Larnelle Harris's married to? (Who's Larnelle Harris's husband / wife)?
Larnelle Harris Spouse: Cynthia Harris
Does Larnelle Harris still sing?
Larnelle Harris, a native of Danville, Kentucky, enrolled in the Music Department at Western Kentucky University in 1965, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education in 1969.
Did Larnelle Harris sing with the Gaither vocal band?
Larnelle Harris, a native of Danville, Kentucky, enrolled in the Music Department at Western Kentucky University in 1965, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education in 1969.
Where did Larnelle Harris go to college?
Larnelle Harris, a native of Danville, Kentucky, enrolled in the Music Department at Western Kentucky University in 1965, earning a Bachelor of Arts degree in music education in 1969.