How old is Robert Ito? When is Robert Ito's birthday? Where is Robert Ito born? Where did Robert Ito grow up from? What's Robert Ito's age?
Robert Ito Born: July 2, 1931 (age 92years), Vancouver
How tall is Robert Ito in meters or centimeters?
Robert Ito Height: 1.73m
Does Robert Ito have children?
His boss was Dr. Astin. His other colleagues were Sam Fujiyama, his chief technician, who was highly capable, efficient, and used to Quincy's personal preferences.
Who did Robert Ito play on Star Trek?
His boss was Dr. Astin. His other colleagues were Sam Fujiyama, his chief technician, who was highly capable, efficient, and used to Quincy's personal preferences.
Was Robert Ito in mash?
His boss was Dr. Astin. His other colleagues were Sam Fujiyama, his chief technician, who was highly capable, efficient, and used to Quincy's personal preferences.
Was Sam on Quincy a doctor?
His boss was Dr. Astin. His other colleagues were Sam Fujiyama, his chief technician, who was highly capable, efficient, and used to Quincy's personal preferences.