It's been nearly a week since the release of Hearthstone's The Witchwood expansion, which was supposed to completely shake up the meta. Instead, we've seen the same Cubelock lists from Kobolds and Catacombs dominating the ladder alongside odd or even versions of nearly every hero. Paladin has some of the most consistently strong cards in the game, fielding Call To Arms, Tirion Fordring and the dastardly Vinecleaver. The odd or even buffed hero powers only make the class stronger, giving, Uther access to early game pressure or two Silver Hand Recruits for the price of one.
Odd Paladin Deck
The slightly more popular version of the Pally pair, the deck utilizes Baku the Mooneater's special start of game Battlecry upgrading your Hero Power. The deck runs tons of low-cost minions, because you'll need to be as aggressive as possible. You should mulligan for a Lost In The Jungle, Righteous Protector or Fire Fly, allowing you to buff them with Blessing Of Might, Stormwind Champion and a lucky Unidentified Maul. The deck is remarkably consistent, building on the strength of Dude Paladin after Stand Against Darkness rotated out of Standard.
If you want an aggressive Paladin list that doesn't have to hit Face every turn, this is the deck for you. Odd Paladin is currently one of the most-played decks in the format, with players teching in cards like Dire Mole or Glacial Shard. Feel free to try out different one, three or five drops that fit your playstyle, just make sure not to accidentally add anything even.
Deck List:
2 x Blessing of Might
2 x Acherus Veteran
2 x Lost in the Jungle
2 x Argent Squire
2 x Divine Favor
2 x Dire Mole
2 x Righteous Protector
2 x Glacial Shard
2 x Unidentified Maul
1 x Ironbeak Owl
2 x Level Up!
2 x Tar Creeper
2 x Vinecleaver
2 x Fungalmancer
2 x Stormwind Champion
1 x Baku the Mooneater
Deck Code:
Even Paladin Deck
The other side of the Paladin coin uses Genn Greymane to spam one-cost Silver Hand Recruits. The archetype is less popular than its oddbrother, but that doesn't make it any worse. Most of Uther's strongest cards from the last few expansions like Call To Arms, Spikeridged Steed and Lightfused Stegadon are all even. There's also The Glass Knight, a new Legendary that allows you to build wicked board pressure everytime you heal. I prefer this version of the deck: it uses higher cost cards and isn't nearly as aggressive in the early game.
Even Stevens Paladin struggles against its odd brother, but shines against Cubelock and another popular newcomer, Hand Druid. If control is your idea of a good time, have a drink with Genn at the tavern.
Deck List:
2 x Drygulch Jailor
2 x Knife Juggler
2 x Equality
2 x Loot Hoarder
2 x Blessing of Kings
2 x Vicious Scalehide
2 x Call to Arms
1 x Genn Greymane
2 x Consecration
2 x Primordial Drake
1 x Lightfused Stegodon
1 x The Lich King
1 x The Glass Knight
2 x Truesilver Champion
2 x Spikeridged Steed
1 x Sunkeeper Tarim
1 x Lay on Hands
1 x Silver Sword
1 x Tirion Fordring
Deck Code:
Uncommon Knowledge
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