How old is Guthrie Govan? When is Guthrie Govan's birthday? Where is Guthrie Govan born? Where did Guthrie Govan grow up from? What's Guthrie Govan's age?
Guthrie Govan Born: December 27, 1971 (age 51years), Chelmsford, United Kingdom
How about Guthrie Govan's sibling?
Guthrie Govan Sibling: Seth Govan
How about Guthrie Govan's group?
Guthrie Govan Group: The Aristocrats, Asia (2001 2006), Asia featuring John Payne (2007 2009), GPS, The Young Punx
How about Guthrie Govan's record label?
Guthrie Govan Record label:, Cornford Records, KPM Main Series
Is Guthrie Govan the best guitar player ever?
He's also played with the British electronic group The Young Punx and is a member of a jazz-fusion band called The Fellowship, Govan's first solo album, Erotic Cakes, was released in 2006. It's recommended for fans of instrumentally-driven, guitar-centered, jazz-influenced rock.
How did Guthrie Govan get famous?
He's also played with the British electronic group The Young Punx and is a member of a jazz-fusion band called The Fellowship, Govan's first solo album, Erotic Cakes, was released in 2006. It's recommended for fans of instrumentally-driven, guitar-centered, jazz-influenced rock.
Does Guthrie Govan play with Hans Zimmer?
He's also played with the British electronic group The Young Punx and is a member of a jazz-fusion band called The Fellowship, Govan's first solo album, Erotic Cakes, was released in 2006. It's recommended for fans of instrumentally-driven, guitar-centered, jazz-influenced rock.
What genre is Guthrie Govan?
He's also played with the British electronic group The Young Punx and is a member of a jazz-fusion band called The Fellowship, Govan's first solo album, Erotic Cakes, was released in 2006. It's recommended for fans of instrumentally-driven, guitar-centered, jazz-influenced rock.