Yesterday, we reported that Azealia Banks bit a security guard’s breast during a scuffle outside of a club in NYC.
We thought that would be it for Azealia boob news in 2015, but we have yet another Banks-and-breasts story for you today, and thankfully, this one is considerably less violent:
Azealia got to tweeting yesterday (as she does, pretty much non-stop), and she made some interesting revelations about recent changes to her physique:
"All I wanted for Christmas last year was my two front tits," the rapper wrote.
"Now I want my two butt cheeks…Big natural butts look amazing. And that’s the thing, I don’t wanna get my butt done if it’s gonna look like a fake butt. Like, I’ve never seen a ‘nice fake butt.’
"My tits definitely look augmented but I have ‘nice fake tits.’ The technology for ass implants isn’t advanced enough for me to get it."
Yes, Ms. Banks is that rare celeb who got a boob job – and when a year passed and no one noticed, she decided to tell the world.
So now we know where she stands on fake butts, but isn’t it kind of weird that she didn’t mention her arrest?
Don’t get us wrong, we prefer Azealia tweeting about plastic asses to Azealia picking fights with other celebs, but not a word about whether or not the charges are true, or if she crossed paths with Martin Shkreli at Riker’s?!
Maybe this is just a teaser for her next project. If she bites a security guard’s ass next week, we’ll know she’s officially on another level.
Azealia Banks and Her Beefs: Who’s She Shading Now?
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