Patrick Barkham: A special relationship, Clinton and the Faroes | The Guardian

The former US president has taken the surprising decision to accept an invitation from the fishermen and shopkeepers who make up the Faroes' "House of Industry" to speak on the remote Atlantic islands 200 miles beyond Scotland. And he is not the only one: Hans Blix, the former chief UN weapons inspector, will be joining

A saxophone is laid out especially and so are slices of wind-dried mutton and whale blubber. The Faroe Islands are in a frenzy of excitement about the arrival this morning of the most famous person ever to visit their windblown shores: Bill Clinton.

The former US president has taken the surprising decision to accept an invitation from the fishermen and shopkeepers who make up the Faroes' "House of Industry" to speak on the remote Atlantic islands 200 miles beyond Scotland. And he is not the only one: Hans Blix, the former chief UN weapons inspector, will be joining him after a weekend spent rambling across the 18-island archipelago probably first settled by Irish monks back in the seventh century.

What on earth is this day trip all about? Could it be the first salvo in the Faroes' bid for full independence from Denmark? Not at all, says Tórun Ellingsgaard, a writer who will interview Clinton in front of an audience of 500 Faroese. (Tickets sold out in 20 minutes.)

It turns out that Clinton's agent had a friend who recommended a visit after he was struck by the unspoilt beauty of the "sheep islands". He will visit what they claim is the oldest parliament in Europe, a spot where Viking settlers held meetings more than 1,000 years ago, and will also listen to some "laidback" music at the island's Nordic House concert hall. A buffet will also be laid on, including the aforementioned local delicacies.

"We expect him to speak about the political situation in the world and how the whole world can best solve the problems ahead such as climate change and poverty," says Ellingsgaard. "People are extremely excited. Being a small country with a population of 48,000 it seems unbelievable that a former president of the United States is going to come and visit."

If the excitement is reciprocated, Clinton can always change his plans for the rest of the week: the Faroese have prepared a special suite just in case he wants to stay the night.

